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A Nameless Story

Roles: Producer | Game Developer | Game Designer | Artist

Explore, pay attention to the environment, and discover a little story around a path to the kingdom's castle, among three different possible endings.


A Nameless Story is a 5 - 10 minutes experience, where your fate depends on your observation.

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Involvement & Acquired Knowledge:

This project was born as a remake of my first game I developed, called Nameless. It was just a single-level-2D-platformer. I wanted to re-create it with the experience I got during a few years of developing games. However, it was not worth a game to do a 1:1 with better visuals, so I decided to create a simple story and make a short experience around it.


I did almost everything by myself, including 2D art, pixelizing shader, parallax layering, programming, story, UI, and whole implementation. The audio system was made integrating FMOD as practice with the software. I got a little help from a colleague (Taniioka), to implement stuff we created before to save time, such as the character animation (took from a previous project, Deadline) and adapted to this one.


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