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Dual Link

Roles: Producer | Lead Developer | Game Designer
Dual Link - Banner.png

Keep a dual link with another version of you, and don't let any of your sides disappear! Play with 2 characters at the same time, and try to keep 'em on the screen simultaneously.


This game was made for the Global Game Jam 2022 whose theme was "Duality".

Play the game:


Showcase Teaser:

Involvement & Acquired Knowledge:

As this was a game jam project completed in less than 48 hours, I challenged myself to create a design that fit the theme requirements while being fun and having longevity beyond the event. My goal was to develop a simple game that would engage users to play repeatedly.


During the game jam, I contributed to the project by designing the main mechanics and developing key features such as the game loop, platform spawning, balance, score, character controller, and progressive difficulty system. Working within a two-person team, I collaborated closely with my partner, who was responsible for the game's art, while I focused on coding and managing the engine.


Dual Link - Main Screen.png
Dual Link - In Game.png
Dual Link - Start.png
Dual Link - Lose Screen.png
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