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Roles: Lead Developer | Game Designer

In a dystopian future, trees are almost extinct, and only the Zinguilinis, hybrid creatures between animals and insects, remain due to an evolutionary bifurcation. These creatures are omnivorous, but they prefer to eat plants, trees, and roots. The Fiumbots were left by humanity to care for the tree population, but most of them have disappeared. Your mission is to defend the Zúkutu tree, which could be the root of the future.

This game was made for the Global Game Jam 2023 whose theme was "Roots".

Play the game:

Download Game.png

Involvement & Acquired Knowledge:

This was my second time participating in a Game Jam, where I collaborated with a team of five individuals to create an engaging and frenzied game. As the development lead, I was responsible for managing the game engine, and my key contributions included implementing the main game loop flow, creating the pixelize shader while learning post-processing techniques, implementing the character controller, developing the root screen system and root keyboard selector, setting up each level's scene, and ensuring game balance.


Zukutu - Animation A.png
Zukutu - Level 1B.png
Zukutu - Level 2A.png
Zukutu - Level 1A.png
Zukutu - Animation B.png
Zukutu - Level 2B.png
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